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  • Location: Waukegan, IL
  • Contract Value: $4,777,526 (Floors 2-5); $5,618,151 (Floors 6-9)
  • Owner: Lake County Government
  • Architect: HDR Architecture, Inc.
  • Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build
  • Award: LCCA Honorable Mention for Award of Project Excellence (APEX)


Lake County utilized an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant to remodel their Administrative Tower. The first contract J.J. Henderson completed was a comprehensive remodel and energy efficiency improvements on floors 2 thru 5, each floor approx. 8,500 S.F.  The remodel included upgrading to energy efficient windows, thermal and sound attenuation improvements, more efficient plumbing and electrical systems, the installation of advanced building automation and controls, plus aesthetic improvements.

J.J. Henderson’s contract continued upward with the rehabilitation and remodel of floors 6 thru 9, each floor approx. 8,500 S.F. During the course of this project our team accommodated the parallel and simultaneous replacement of the Campus’s heating and cooling system, deadlines and stipulations imposed by the U.S. Department of Energy, numerous hidden conditions, and phased movements of over 200 County Employees. Having an established working relationship from the previous four floors rehab project enabled all team members to resume their camaraderie and spirit of cooperation to deliver another quality project that was completed ahead of schedule and on budget.